June 5, 2012

Salon: Simone Martinetto & Linarejos Moreno

Simone Martinetto presents an interactive talk and an installation of his project, Without memory, a series of photographs and installations of the artist’s grandmother who lost her memory and subsequently fills her home with reminder notes.

From the starting point of her last exhibition (FotoFest 2012 Biennial), Linarejos Moreno introduces the audience to her practical and theoretical research, “From ruins  as  an  object  to   ruins  as  a  process.” She will also discuss the experimental printing process of her photographs, that are in between pictorial and photographic traditions.

May 22, 2012

Salon: Hector Arce-Espasas & Alex Kershaw

Hector Arce-Espasas will present recent installations and work made during his residency at ISCP. His work focuses on the transformation of symbols, objects and imagery through time. Arce-Espasas will discuss this transformation, specifically in regard to the history of paradise, the pineapple fruit, art movements and clay.

Alex Kershaw will discuss his project, Fantasticology Tokyo: Faults, Flesh, and Flowers, completed in Tokyo in 2011 while in residence at Tokyo Wonder Site. This work is a video installation project which emerged through collaborations with four Ikebana senseis (Japanese flower arrangement masters) working in Tokyo. The project reworks vestiges of this ancient tradition through a series of displacements—orchestrated twists of context and materials that challenge and reinvent traditional roles and meanings.

Participating Residents

May 22, 2012

Salon: Hector Arce-Espasas & Alex Kershaw

Hector Arce-Espasas will present recent installations and work made during his residency at ISCP. His work focuses on the transformation of symbols, objects and imagery through time. Arce-Espasas will discuss this transformation, specifically in regard to the history of paradise, the pineapple fruit, art movements and clay.

Alex Kershaw will discuss his project, Fantasticology Tokyo: Faults, Flesh, and Flowers, completed in Tokyo in 2011 while in residence at Tokyo Wonder Site. This work is a video installation project which emerged through collaborations with four Ikebana senseis (Japanese flower arrangement masters) working in Tokyo. The project reworks vestiges of this ancient tradition through a series of displacements—orchestrated twists of context and materials that challenge and reinvent traditional roles and meanings.

Participating Residents