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Current Resident: Apr 1, 2024–Jul 31, 2024

Beca Arte, CCU - Corporación Cultural La Araucana

Studio #303


Carolina Muñoz

Carolina Muñoz’s work is known for her distinct style and her creative, intellectual approach to painting. In her extensive body of work, she blends imagery from 1990s animation, high culture, and pop culture. Carolina combines characters with realistic features intervened by the glitch phenomenon which are inserted in surreal universes that delve into the realm of “art about art.” She often sets her scenes in exhibition spaces like museums or galleries, where she explores themes of contemplation, absurdity, and grotesqueness.

Carolina Muñoz has exhibited work at MAVI Museum of Visual Arts, Chile; Fundació Guasch Coranty, Spain; and Art Central, Hong Kong, among others.

Current Resident: Jun 1, 2024–Jul 31, 2024

Danish Arts Foundation, Knud Højgaards Fond

Studio #306


Stine Deja

Stine Deja works across a variety of media, including total installation, sculpture, soundscapes, and 3D animation, to explore the effects of technological development on our psychology, living conditions, and behavior patterns. Combining extensive conceptual research with an otherworldly aesthetic and satirical wit, Deja’s work provides an absurd and critical perspective on the future of human culture.

Stine Deja has exhibited work at Tranen, Denmark; Beijing Times Art Museum, China; and MUDAM, Luxembourg, among others.

Azita Moradkhani

Azita Moradkhani’s practice is heavily influenced by Persian art, culture, and politics as a result of her upbringing in Tehran. Her work centers on the female body and its exposure to various social norms, examining the experience of personal insecurity and the sensitivity of the dynamics of vulnerability and violence.

Azita Moradkhani has exhibited work at Jane Lombard Gallery, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, China; and Royal Academy of Arts, England, among others.

Past Residents

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