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Current Resident: Jun 1, 2024–Aug 31, 2024

Vision Fund

Studio #201


Verónica Gaona

Verónica Gaona is a Mexican American multidisciplinary artist whose work is deeply influenced by the current socio-political climate. She explores themes of architecture and migration, utilizing remnants of death and truck parts to represent the hybrid nature of remittance-built environments that span international borders. Gaona incorporates the perspectives of displaced and exploited communities, highlighting aspects of the diaspora such as opacity, transnationality, and impermanence. Her practice challenges traditional approaches to memorialization and seeks to subvert established power structures.

Verónica Gaona has exhibited work at Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles; Lawndale Art Center, Texas; and Blaffer Art Museum, Texas, among others.

Current Resident: Jul 1, 2024–Aug 31, 2024

Canada Council for the Arts

Studio #202


Gwenessa Lam

Working across drawing and painting, Lam’s research delves into ancient archaeological objects and their potential to disrupt cultural categorizations. Using historical fragments as a framework, she examines broken accounts of the past, both personal and collective. By unraveling the logic of comprehensive historical narratives, she creates patterns and new ancestral lineages that enliven these fragments and their unexpected fractures. The result is a speculative narrative that foregrounds the fragment as a record of rupture and erasure.

Gwenessa Lam has exhibited work at Galerie de l’UQAM, Quebec; Art Gallery of Alberta, Alberta; and Queens Museum, New York, among others.

Past Residents

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