September 14–October 18, 2011

Stefanos Tsivopoulos: Borrowed Knowledge

ISCP announces the second show in its inaugural series of solo exhibitions. Borrowed Knowledge is a poetic investigation into memory and imagination by ISCP artist-in-residence Stefanos Tsivopoulos. In 2011, ISCP launched an annual initiative to offer three ISCP residents and one ISCP alum the space, time and challenge to produce new works and to engage with the context of their presentation.

Borrowed Knowledge is a show in two parts: The Blind Image and The Public Library of Borrowed Knowledge. The show takes as its starting point an investigation into the construction of visual history and its relation to images and history’s claim to truth through two multifaceted works. The Blind Image brings together the film Amnesialand (2010), the artist’s most recent film Blind Image, a series of photos and display of books. The Public Library of Borrowed Knowledge will attempt to open up a participatory dialogue relating to the idea of knowledge production and cultural translation, initiating a collective working process for subsequent presentations.

Stefanos Tsivopoulos (born 1973, Prague) graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam in 2002, and received his Masters from Sandberg Institute Amsterdam in 2004. He participated in residencies at the Rijksakademie van beeldenden kunst, Amsterdam; Platform Garanti, Istanbul; and IASPIS, Stockholm. Recent solo shows include Amnesialand, Heidelberg Kunstverein; The Real The Story The Storyteller, Smart Project Space,  Amsterdam; and Lost Monument, Art Forum, Berlin. Group shows include Manifesta 8, Murcia; 1st Athens Biennale; Witte de With, Rotterdam; BFI Southbank, London; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel; ev+a Biennial, Limerick; ACF, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens; Centre Photographique d’lle, Paris; and Essl Museum, Vienna.

This exhibition is accompanied by a publication with texts by Sanne Oorthuizen and Matteo Lucchetti.

ISCP thanks the following contributors for their generous support: Brooklyn Arts Council, The Greenwich Collection, National Endowment for the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and Stichting Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Vormegiving en Bouwkunst, The Netherlands.

Opening Reception: Sep 14, 2011, 6-8pm
Download Exhibition Catalog

Participating Residents

September 6, 2011

Salon: Laura F. Gibellini

For her salon, Laura F. Gibellini will share her ideas about the nature of art and will also stage a presentation of a poem written as a response to a series of her work. The poem, Variations on a Domestic Interior by Mary Di Lucia, is significant as it led Gibellini to a deeper understanding of her own work.

Laura F. Gibellini lives and works in New York City and Madrid. She uses different media to address concerns related to the construction of place(s). She holds a PhD in Contemporary Art Theory from Complutense University of Madrid.

Participating Residents

August 23, 2011

Salon: Xiaowei Chen and Cecil McDonald, Jr.

Xiaowei Chen attempts, through the use of delicate media and a lengthy work process, to explore the evolution of thought as well as changes in surroundings. For her Salon, Chen will present works in progress (drawings and video) that she has been making since the start of her residency at ISCP. She will perform a live, 30-minute video interaction and will also show a 49 foot drawing drawing entitled Detached Clouds.

Xiaowei Chen was born in China, and currently resides in Boston. She works in various media, including video, oil on canvas, ink on paper, and ink on fabric, and her work has been shown in Beijing, Boston, and New York.

Through photography, video, and text, Cecil McDonald, Jr. explores the intersections of masculinity, familial relations, and the artistic and intellectual pursuits of black culture that emanate from the two. For his Salon, McDonald plans to show photographs and two videos from his “Switzerland project”. In his latest body of work Looking for Baldwin, McDonald investigates ideas of artistic practice and travel coupled with notions of masculinity and race.

McDonald studied fashion, house music and dance club culture (not in any particular order) before receiving a MFA in Photography at Columbia College Chicago, where he currently serves as an adjunct professor.

Both Chen’s and McDonald’s residencies are sponsored by Artadia.

Participating Residents