Current Residents

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Current Resident: Jul 1, 2024–Sep 30, 2024

Danish Arts Foundation

Studio #221


Christine Overvad Hansen

In her practice, Christine Overvad Hansen explores the acute, crisis-ridden state of late capitalist society and how this crisis fundamentally shapes our understanding of what it means to be human today. Drawing inspiration from Western cultural history, she intertwines ancient mythological figures with contemporary and existential conditions, addressing interpersonal relationships and power dynamics. Her work unfolds in multi-voiced narratives that highlight the plasticity and vulnerability of the human psyche.

Christine Overvad has exhibited work at Holstebro Museum, Denmark; Horsens Art Museum, Denmark; and Parallel Vienna, Austria, among others.

Current Resident: Jun 1, 2024–Jul 31, 2024


Studio #222


Abed Elamjid Shalabi

Abed Elamjid Shalabi investigates how technological objects construct emotional and cultural shifts and alter our connection to our body, gender, and self. His installations link homophobia, shame and sexual dissatisfaction to the political power structure that reinforces such dynamics and produces them.

Abed Elamjid Shalabi has exhibited work at Center for Contemprary Arts, Tel Aviv; and Hamiltonian Artists, Washington DC, among others.

Current Resident: Jul 1, 2024–Aug 31, 2024

International Visegrad Fund

Studio #301


Klára Orosz

Klára Orosz’s practice centers on the viewer’s interaction with objects and space. Her works explore visual and spatial perception, often involving installations that transform the gallery into interactive settings, constantly testing and pushing the boundaries between the object and the observer. Her aim is to create relational situations by minimizing the distance between the exhibited work and the viewer, inviting the audience to participate.

Klára Orosz has exhibited work at OSTRALE Biennale, Germany; Hungarian Academy in Rome, Italy; and Goldsmiths College, United Kingdom, among others.

Past Residents

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