Past Residents
Past Resident2023: KdFS Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Hanna Stiegeler
Hanna Stiegeler draws inspiration from historical and contemporary photographic material, including prints, textiles, and installation. Her works delve topics such as feminism, consumerism, psychology, and explore the surfaces of advertising and fashion.
Hanna Stiegeler has exhibited work at Sweetwater, Berlin; Goethe Institute, Paris; and Piloto Pardo, London, among others.
Events & Exhibitions
2023 Fall Open Studios
November 10–November 11, 2023
Past Resident2023: International Visegrad Fund
Gregor Petrikovic
Gregor Petrikovic is a Slovak artist and filmmaker based in London. His video installations convey stories about the embodiment of love, grief, and the passage of time using performance, dance, and audio archives acquired from everyday interactions. Some feature narratives drawn from a large personal audio archive, such as phone calls and everyday interactions. In these, voices of friends, lovers, and strangers battle with the condition of alienation in a society defined by parasocial digital relationships
Gregor Petrikovic has exhibited work at Brussels Independent Film Festival, Belgium; Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts, Switzerland; and Oberhausen International Film Festival, Germany, among others.
Past Resident2023: SpallArt Collection, Brigitte Vosse
Elias Wessel
Elias Wessel employs photography to create images and multidisciplinary projects that reflect contemporary societal discourses. His works contribute to discussions about sociological and political development and the historical dialogue between photography and painting, exploring topics such as digitalization and questions of identity.
Elias Wessel has exhibited work at 1014, New York; Palais Beauharnais, Paris; and Kunstsammlung im Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin, among others.