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Past Resident
2019: Artis

Orr Menirom

Orr Menirom’s work examines how digital moving images form personal memories and collective narratives. She explores how digital imagery reflects upon, and interjects with, the daily reality of social and political life. Her works are influenced by research-based practices, documentary filmmaking and video essays. Part of her process involves re-editing found footage. She also creates environments which are documented and edited into moving image work.  

Orr Menirom has exhibited work at Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London; International Film Festival Rotterdam; and Tel Aviv Museum of Art, among others.

Jesse Chun

Jesse Chun’s interdisciplinary work begins with examining legal and historic documents, linguistic pedagogies, and records of cultural memory. She uses text, digital media, sound, sculpture, and publishing as ways to unlearn and re-interpret language’s relationship to bureaucracy, power, and place. Her practice considers new poetics that are rooted in diasporic and postcolonial languaging, and possibilities of untranslatability.

Jesse Chun has exhibited work at Queens Museum; Brooklyn Academy of Music; and Bronx Museum of the Arts, all New York, among others.

Tina Lechner

Working with analog photography, Tina Lechner uses her camera as an instrument to explore identity, depict subjectivity, and open the gaze to an apocalyptic vision of (post-) modernity. In her photographs the human body is coated in self-produced sculptural objects that suggest some sort of science fiction-esque rebirth undermining the cultural construction of femininity.

Tina Lechner has exhibited work at C/O Berlin; Weltmuseum, Vienna; and Belvedere 21Vienna, among others.