Past Residents
Past Resident2022: Canton de Vaud, Service des Affaires Culturelles
Philémon Otth
Philémon Otth’s artistic practice revolves around challenging questions of time and temporalities, history and histories, material and immaterial, transparency and opacity. He is interested in exploring sites and situations by questioning the implications of images and objects within their spatial and socio-historical contexts. Otth approaches these ideas through configurations of form and language, displacement and shifting strategies.
Philémon Otth has exhibited work at CAN – Centre d’Art de Neuchâtel; Plymouth Rock, Zürich; and Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, all Switzerland, among others.
Past Resident2021: Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Kim Kölle Valentine
Kim Kölle Valentine is interested in examining the historical implications of how humans understand, remember, and place themselves within stories. Working across video, drawing, installation, and text, Kielhofner collects images and material, and opens an imaginary space where the notions of self and place can be re-written.
Kim Kölle Valentine has exhibited work at Dazibao, Montreal; VOX Contemporary Image Center, Montreal; and Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, among others.
Residents from Canada
Past Resident2021: Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport of Austria
Anna Witt
Anna Witt’s artistic practice is performative, participatory, and political. She creates situations that reflect interpersonal relationships and power structures as well as conventions of speaking and acting. Her public experimental arrangements often physically draw passersby by repeating imitation of specifically coded gestures and developing complex choreographies, thus giving the participants an opportunities for individual articulation and authorship.
Anna Witt has exhibited work at Belvedere 21, Vienna; Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul; and KW Institue for Contemporary Art, Berlin, among others.