Past Residents

Residents Map

Michail Michailov

In his practice, Michail Michailov explores fundamental human questions such as: Who am I? Who are we? How do we connect? And what defines our existence? Through his drawings, videos, and performances, he delves deep into these existential concers, staging not just his own “self” but its diverse manifestations within immersive installations that often draw inspiration from the exhibition space itself. His exploration of identity spans from the minutiae of dust settled in his studio to the vast landscape he navigates as a body.

Michail Michailov has exhibited work at Belvedere Palace, Vienna; 2022 Venice Biennale, Venice; and re.riddle, San Francisco, among others.

Past Resident
2024: International Visegrad Fund

Adrián Kriška

Adrián Kriška (he/him) is a Prague-based interdisciplinary artist, mountaineer, chef, and music enthusiast. His primary medium is textile design, through which he explores themes such as neofolklore, nostalgia, queerness, and mythology. His work often intersects with anarchist and queer theory.

Adrián Kriška has exhibited work at Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia; Lunchmeat Festival, Czech Republic; and Diera do Sveta, Slovakia, among others.