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Current Resident: Apr 1, 2024–Jul 31, 2024

The Kettering Family Foundation

Studio #211


Joshua Thaddeus Rainer

Joshua Thaddeus Rainer’s work is semi-autobiographical and deals with themes of self-awareness and self-criticism. He invites viewers to consider parallels between these personal and sometimes intimate themes and their own lives. Rainer employs inward criticism and introspection as a counterbalance to criticism of the world.

Joshua Thaddeus Rainer has exhibited work at Cranbrook Art Museum; M Contemporary Art; and Harper Gallery of Art & Interiors, all in Michigan, among others.

Studio #212


Michail Michailov

In his practice, Michail Michailov explores fundamental human questions such as: Who am I? Who are we? How do we connect? And what defines our existence? Through his drawings, videos, and performances, he delves deep into these existential concers, staging not just his own “self” but its diverse manifestations within immersive installations that often draw inspiration from the exhibition space itself. His exploration of identity spans from the minutiae of dust settled in his studio to the vast landscape he navigates as a body.

Michail Michailov has exhibited work at Belvedere Palace, Vienna; 2022 Venice Biennale, Venice; and re.riddle, San Francisco, among others.

Studio #215


Tora Schultz

Tora Schultz uses sculpture to explore the social dynamics and invisible gender-bias data that exist in the power of object language. Schultz recontextualizes everyday objects through basic sculptural displacements and tragicomics, frequently referencing institutional design and body stereotypes. She extrapolates the subtle social tensions present in objects around us by paying persistent attention to the specifics of material and form.

Tora Schultz has exhibited work at O-Overgaden, Copenhagen; Den Frie, Copenhagen; and Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, among others.

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