Past Residents

Residents Map

Tina Lechner

Working with analog photography, Tina Lechner uses her camera as an instrument to explore identity, depict subjectivity, and open the gaze to an apocalyptic vision of (post-) modernity. In her photographs the human body is coated in self-produced sculptural objects that suggest some sort of science fiction-esque rebirth undermining the cultural construction of femininity.

Tina Lechner has exhibited work at C/O Berlin; Weltmuseum, Vienna; and Belvedere 21Vienna, among others.

Tali Keren

Tali Keren is a media artist whose work investigates the formation of ideology, violence, and political identity. She often conducts research at sites and organizations that execute state power such as municipalities, political lobby groups, and churches. The materials she collects in these locations result in multi-media installation, performance, and video-based works. Since moving to the United States, Keren has become increasingly interested in looking at USA/Israel/Palestine relations through the intersection of politics, propaganda religion and military technology.

Tali Keren has exhibited work at Eyebeam, New York City; Goethe-Institut New York; and Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, among others.

Past Resident
2019: Fire Station - Qatar Museums

Fatima Mohammed

Fatima Mohammed works in mixed media, installation art and printmaking, creating her own homemade inks from medicines meant to cure her back complaint. Her work focuses on the changing social anatomy of the Arabian Gulf, portrayed through the perspective of her fictional character, 3naj (Anaj).

Fatima Mohammed (born 1993, Qatar) graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar (VCUQ) in 2016, with a major in Painting and Printmaking and a minor in Art History. She has exhibited work at al markhiya gallery, Fire Station, and Msheireb Museums, all Doha, among others.