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Current Resident: Jul 1, 2024–Aug 31, 2024

International Visegrad Fund

Studio #304


Nikola Ivanov

Nikola Ivanov is an intermedia artist with a background in photography, primarily working with video and text. His artistic exploration delves into themes encompassing sleep, biopolitics, time, and memory. Recently graduating from the PhD program at the Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague, his dissertation project focuses on the concept of night colonization. It proposes illuminating the Earth by deploying satellites equipped with orbiting mirrors.

Nikola Ivanov has exhibited work at Galerie UM, Czech Republic; Czech Centre in Sofia, Bulgaria; and East Slovak Gallery, Slovakia, among others.

Current Resident: Jul 1, 2024–Sep 30, 2024

Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto Arts Council

Studio #305


Timothy Manalo

Timothy Manalo approaches his work with a focus on representations of the body and place. Primarily working in sculpture, he explores the aesthetics of communal gatherings and the interactions between people, everyday objects, and the natural environment, creating new narratives and meanings. He views his work as an ongoing investigation into the visual languages that are built, transformed, and used to anchor people’s experiences with the physical world, impacting memory, identity, home, and movement.

Timothy Manalo has exhibited work at Canadian Sculpture Centre, Toronto; Franconia Sculpture Park, Minnesota; and Tufts University Art Galleries, Massachusetts, among others.

Current Resident: Jun 1, 2024–Jul 31, 2024

Danish Arts Foundation, Knud Højgaards Fond

Studio #306


Stine Deja

Stine Deja works across a variety of media, including total installation, sculpture, soundscapes, and 3D animation, to explore the effects of technological development on our psychology, living conditions, and behavior patterns. Combining extensive conceptual research with an otherworldly aesthetic and satirical wit, Deja’s work provides an absurd and critical perspective on the future of human culture.

Stine Deja has exhibited work at Tranen, Denmark; Beijing Times Art Museum, China; and MUDAM, Luxembourg, among others.

Past Residents

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