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Past Resident
2018: The Adam Mickiewicz Institute

Tomasz Kowalski

Tomasz Kowalski is part of a movement of young Polish artists embracing a form of “new surrealism.” His interest lay in the discrete hauntological aspects of the everyday and a paranoia towards reality. He expresses this discrete sensibility through a mix of parallel narratives and biography, and often collaborates with his family to make objects using various mediums. In Kowalski’s paintings, drawings, installations and sound pieces, the everyday morphs into the tragicomic, lending his imagery an enigmatic and psychedelic quality.

Tomasz Kowalski has exhibited work at Centre Pompidou, Paris; mumok, Vienna, and Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, among others.

Loup Sarion

Loup Sarion’s practice lies between painting and sculpture, where color is subsumed by material. The works’ overlapping textures relate to the slippery nature of language, specifically to the tongue—the organ of language. Sarion pays particular consideration to color, surface and texture, often echoing the phenomena of condensation, skin perspiration, and bodily fluids in his work.

Loup Sarion has exhibited work at C L E A R I N G, New York CityBerthold Pott, Cologne; and Formato Cómodo, Madrid, among others.

Johannes Heldén

Johannes Heldén’s interdisciplinary works deals with artificial intelligence, ecology, poetry, science fiction, sentience, nature and interactive narrative structures. He is the author of sixteen books, the most recent being New New Hampshire & Clouds, 2017, and Astroecology, 2016. Astroecology was published simultaneously in three languages, made into an interdisciplinary performance at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm, and into a digital artwork published by Bonniers Konsthall. He has published four music albums and seven interactive online works of poetry and visual art.

Johannes Heldén has exhibited work at the Riga Biennial; Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm; and Centre Pompidou, Paris, among others. He is the recipient of the inaugural N. Katherine Hayles Award.