Past Residents

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Nina Schuiki

Through her site-specific and context-related work, Nina Schuiki creates various in-between spaces of perception that reveal far-reaching associations and convey emotions. She creates spatial atmospheres with minimalist gestures and explores basic questions around individual and collective understanding of space.

Nina Schuiki has exhibited work at Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; Forum Stadtpark, Graz; and Space Station Gallery, Beijing, among others.

Joani Tremblay

Joani Tremblay investigates the perception of place through the relationship between landscape and its simulations and reproductions. Instead of painting from traditional observed landscapes, the artist assembles constructed ideas of a place from a variety of sources including advertisements, postcards, Instagram architecture influencers, social media, mass communications, and field researches. Tremblay assembles these images into digital collages to test hundreds of possibilities before applying paint.

Joani Tremblay has exhibited work at Harper’s Gallery, New York; Marie-Laure Fleisch Gallery, Brussels; and The Pit, Los Angeles, among others.

Miki Leal

Miki Leal’s practice is characterized by the use of irony, distancing from conventional painting, and the questioning of “isms”. His work reflects his personal iconography and explores a range of topics including architecture, cinema, travel, jazz music, and the camp aesthetic. Over the years, he developed sculptural ceramic pieces to move his painting into three-dimensional space.

Miki Leal has exhibited work at Track 16 Gallery, Los Angeles; County Hall Gallery, London; and CAC Málaga, Spain, among others.