Past Residents
Past Resident
2015: Winsor & Newton
So Yoon Lym
So Yoon Lym likens her practice to the art of Taekwondo. She believes that making art is a philosophical commitment, similar to Taekwondo whose tenants are “courtesy, integrity, perseverance, patience, self-discipline and invincibility of spirit”.
So Yoon Lym (born 1967 in Seoul, Korea) moved to Uganda in 1967 until the age of 7. She came to live in Northern New Jersey in 1974, where she currently resides. Lym pursued her studies at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she received a BFA in Painting and then at Columbia University, where she received an MFA in Painting in 1991. Since then, she has exhibited her work at the United States Embassy in Djibouti, Centro Provincal de Artes Plastica y Disenos in Santiago, Cuba, Coreana Museum in Seoul, Korea, Studio Museum of Harlem, International Print Center New York, Paterson Museum and the Newark Museum, among many other places.

So Yoon Lym, Jhonathan, 2010, Acrylic on paper, 22 × 30 in. (55.88 × 76.2 cm). Courtesy of the artist.
Residents from United States
Past Resident
2015: Wallace Arts Trust
Roger Mortimer
Roger Mortimer is interested in the nature of attachment in the psychological sense. When this fundamental relational need is disrupted, it generates conflict, adaptive behavior and intense suffering. His paintings explore these themes, through allegorical scrambling of time and geography, giving rise to dense layering of colliding or intertwined worlds and systems. In Mortimer’s fantastical landscapes and watery coasts, people and creatures enact dynamic vignettes of horror and suffering, as well as the possibility of transformation.
Roger Mortimer was born in Mangakino, and lives in Auckland New Zealand. In 1998 he graduated from the University of Auckland’s Elam School of Fine Arts. He has exhibited regularly since then with annual solo shows. Group exhibitions include Idyll, New Zealand Steel Gallery, Franklin Arts Centre, Pukekohe; Top Ten; New Acquisitions for the University of Auckland Art Collection Gus Fisher Gallery; High Chair, St. Paul St. Auckland University of Technology Gallery; After Killeen, Artspace, Auckland; Flesh and Fruity, Artspace, Auckland; Manufacturing Meaning, Adam Art Gallery, Victoria University, Wellington. His work is included in both private and public collections in New Zealand, France, Belgium and Hong Kong. In 2014 he was winner of the James Wallace Art Award.
Events & Exhibitions
Salon: Isa Ho and Roger Mortimer
August 4, 2015

Roger Mortimer, Port Nicholson, 2015, Watercolor on canvas board, 17 × 13 in. (43.18 × 33.02 cm). Courtesy of the artist.
Past Resident
2015: Edge of Arabia and Art Jameel
Zeinab Shahidi Marnani
Shahidi Marnani’s recent work aims to facilitate dialogue concerning the issue of time. She employs alternative methods to create dialogue through the medium of text and video, applying the specifications of time-based media.
Zeinab Shahidi Marnani was born in Isfahan, Iran and she lives and works in Tehran. She received her MFA from Yale University in 2011 and her BFA from The Tehran University in 2007. She has shown her work at The Print Shop, MoMA PS1, New York; Thomas Erben Gallery, New York; Devi Art Foundation, India; Iranian Artists’ Forum, Tehran; design transfer gallery (UDK), Berlin; Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts, Iran; The Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin; PØST, Los Angeles; and Regina Rex, New York.

Zeinab Shahidi Marnani, Soliloquy III'' Part 3: ''Where the Stars Go'' by Marzena Sowa, 2013, Video documentary, 39:15 min. Courtesy of the artist.
Residents from Iran
Azita Moradkhani

Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, Alice and Lawrence Weiner, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, New York City Council District 34, New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, Hartfield Foundation, Danna and Ed Ruscha, The Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation