Current Residents

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Current Resident: Feb 1, 2024–Jan 31, 2025

Mondriaan Fund

Studio #219


Antonis Pittas

Antonis Pittas’ work revolves around current social and political issues, marked by a profound connection to history. He creates spatial installations that respond to specific contexts, drawing inspiration from architecture, design, art history, the performative aspects of installation art, and its social dynamics. At the core of Pittas’ practice is the question about the relationship between the past and present. His practice delves into significant historical moments of destruction, decay, and resistance, playing a pivotal role in shaping his artistic narrative.

Antonis Pittas has exhibited work at Museum for Contemporary Art – Eindhoven – Van Abbemuseum, The Netherlands; Centraal Museum, The Netherlands; and National Museum of Contemporary Art Αthens (ΕΜΣΤ), Greece, among others.

Current Resident: Sep 1, 2023–Aug 31, 2024

OCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway

Studio #220


Sandra Mujinga

Sandra Mujinga uses speculative fiction in the Afrofuturist tradition to investigate economies of visibility and disappearance. Her works examine questions of self-representation, preservation, appearance, and opacity through an interdisciplinary approach in which she typically reverses established identity politics of presence. Mujinga’s works deviate from a completely anthropocentric approach to understanding the ephemeral world we now occupy; as a result, the artist draws inspiration in how animals create survival tactics and adapt to hostile surroundings.

Sandra Mujinga has exhibited work at Museum of Modern Art, New York; Venice Biennale, Venice; and Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, among others.

Current Resident: Jul 1, 2024–Sep 30, 2024

Danish Arts Foundation

Studio #221


Christine Overvad Hansen

In her practice, Christine Overvad Hansen explores the acute, crisis-ridden state of late capitalist society and how this crisis fundamentally shapes our understanding of what it means to be human today. Drawing inspiration from Western cultural history, she intertwines ancient mythological figures with contemporary and existential conditions, addressing interpersonal relationships and power dynamics. Her work unfolds in multi-voiced narratives that highlight the plasticity and vulnerability of the human psyche.

Christine Overvad has exhibited work at Holstebro Museum, Denmark; Horsens Art Museum, Denmark; and Parallel Vienna, Austria, among others.

Past Residents

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