Past Residents

Residents Map

Esther Hovers

In her practice, Esther Hovers investigates how power, politics and control are exercised through urban planning and the use of public space. She was trained as a photographer but creates installations in which photographs, drawings, text and film play an equal part. She is interested in finding poetic translations for power structures and technological developments.

Esther Hovers has exhibited at GEM, Museum of Contemporary Art, The Hague; C/O Berlin; and the National Gallery in Prague, among others.

Past Resident
2018: Danish Arts Foundation

Stine Marie Jacobsen

Stine Marie Jacobsen is a conceptual artist working to decode violence and law through participatory means. To give participants a collaborative and dialogical space, Jacobsen creates open structured sociocultural and participatory projects with clearly defined themes, with a focus on film, language, gender, violence, death, taboos, anonymity, and psychology. The artist conducts performative experiments, and creates platforms for critical thinking and new ways of looking at ethics, identity, control, fear and trust.

Stine Marie Jacobsen has exhibited work at Riga Biennial, Latvia; Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark; and Momentum Biennial, Moss, Norway, among others. She is the recipient of Node Center for Curatorial Studies Innovators Grant and the Berlin Art Prize 2016.

Natalia Zaluska

“The works of Natalia Załuska frequently refer to natural impressions, yet these are condensed and abstracted into primary structures which appear to be minimalistic in their geometric clarity, without actually being Minimal Art. It is a question of the sensual variation of a limited vocabulary of forms and colors, which opens up directly into the confinement of a new, different perspective on small and minor alterations, and the limitless possibility of the combination of geometric basic forms.” Text by Thomas Miessgang, 2013.

Natalia Załuska has exhibited work at Kunsthalle Krems, Austria; Fundacja Stefana Gierowskiego, Warsaw, Poland; and Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Austria, among others.