Past Residents

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Valentina Furian

Valentina Furian’s practice explores the connection between reality and fiction, pushing the boundary between this duality. Her research is focused on the existing relationship between humans and natural beings; examining the worth of the wilderness, animal and human domestication as a kind of power. As a result, her landscapes are frequently filled with non-human performativity.

Valentina Furian has exhibited work at MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome; Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Paris; and Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, among others.

Alma Visscher

Alma Louise Visscher creates fabric-based installations, jewelry and drawings that consider resources and material culture and the poetic possibilities and problems within these. Through process and materials, she explores the intersection of materiality and the unknowable, the ecology of places, and the things that hold us, care for us, and comfort us. These motivations have led her to explore materials such as working with natural dyes and inks sourced from her immediate environments and repurposed textiles and materials.

Alma Louise Visscher has exhibited work at Art Gallery of Alberta, Alberta; Idea Exchange. Ontario; Kimura Gallery, Alaska, among others.