Past Residents

Residents Map

Past Resident
2018: College of Charleston

Susan Klein

Susan Klein’s work plays with the idea of American spirituality. She makes sculpture, paintings, and works on paper that repurpose religious and ritualistic imagery to serve a secular spiritualism that is part of contemporary American culture. Klein uses a specific system of symbols that shifts from funny and playful to commemorative and serious. The work references history, artifact, decoration, architecture, and pop culture.

Susan Klein has exhibited work at Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art – College of CharlestonCrossing Collective, New York City; and Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, among others.

Past Resident
2018: Ministry of Culture, Taiwan

Yen-Ting Hsu

Yen-Ting Hsu investigates the cultural context of sounds, explores the connection between life, environment and ethnic cultures, and reflects on the relationship between sounds and their surrounding world. Using field recordings as her primary material, Hsu creates audio documentaries, soundscapes and sound performances. She also works extensively with dance theaters as a sound designer.

Yen-Ting Hsu has exhibited at Taipei Artist Village, Fremantle Arts Centre, and Taipei Fine Arts Museum, among others. 

Ana Hoffner

In her art practice, Ana Hoffner analyzes moments of crisis, war and conflict in recent history and politics. Her performances, videos and photo installations seek to introduce temporalities, relations, and spaces in between established perspectives, memories of iconic images, and highly performative events. Hoffner employs means of appropriation such as restaging photographs, interviews and reports, as well as strategies of desynchronization.

Ana Hoffner completed the PhD-in-Practice program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 2014. She has exhibited work at Kunsthalle Wien, ViennaSecession, Vienna; and VOX Contemporary Image Center, Montreal, among others.