Past Residents

Residents Map

Thiago Honório

Thiago Honório’s research starts from a interdisciplinary matrix. It is fueled by a transit between the ordinary and the extraordinary, by an encounter of different temporalities from the experience between the private and the public spheres, from different kinds of knowledge and exchanges, based on procedures such as displacements and assemblies.

Thiago Honório has exhibited work at Museu de Arte de São Paulo – MASP; Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo; and Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, among others.

Linda Reif

Linda Reif’s photographic image production tends toward sculpture and abstraction. Her work is strongly linked to an interest in lens-based media and methods reflect the unsentimental way she approaches photography. Her main focus lies in the distortion, the non-glossy impact of images, while investigating the vulnerability of photography and the poetic impact of sculptural display.

Linda Reif has exhibited work at New Jörg, Vienna; Treignac Projet, France; and periscope, Salzburg, among others. 

Martha Skou

Martha Skou is an interdisciplinary artist who moves freely between audible and visual worlds. Both analytical and experimental, her work toys with opposites in color, shape and/or sound. She has created personal universes surrounding her work both in her collaborations and solo projects. Her language is abstract and atmospheric, with compositions in spatial formats as well as two-dimensional media.

Martha Skou has exhibited her work at the Museum of Arts and Design, New York; Telfair Museums, Savannah; and Pioneer Works, New York, among others.