Past Residents

Residents Map

Jojo Gronostay

Jojo Gronostay’s practice investigates issues of identity and representation, as well as platforms, recycling, and the in-between. His work delves into the political and economic frameworks that exist between formerly colonized African countries and the Western world, as well as themes such as economy and value, as well as the exchange of people and goods between the two continents. Through platforms such as DWMC, he also creates structures for himself to intervene in these cycles.

Jojo Gronostay has exhibited work at Mumok, Austria; MAK Vienna, Austria, and Bundeskunsthalle, Germany, among others. 

Nika Schmitt

Nika Schmitt’s kinetic sculptures and installations are distinguished by a unique combination of sound, electronics, and mechanics. Her work examines complex physical processes in a simple and straightforward manner. The compositions, which are mostly site-specific, investigate the principles of energy, material, and time, reflecting on the interrelationships and impacts that each of these elements elicit in cycles of repetition (rhythm), deterioration, and transformation.

Nika Schmitt has exhibited work at Singuhr, Berlin; Ikob, Belgium; and Philharmonie Luxembourg, among others.

Past Resident
2023: Danish Arts Foundation

Ida Schyum

Ida Schyum is a Danish curator specialized in curating exhibitions that reflects on and challenges our current moment while engaging new audiences. Schyum is currently a curator at The Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde, which is a museum displaying exhibitions and their collection of hybrid and ephemeral art forms everywhere else than in the white cube–e.g. in public institutions, public space, abandoned buildings, on digital platforms, in private offices, and at festivals.

Ida Schyum has curated exhibitions in her position as a curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde and in her previous position as a curator at the Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art as well as independently at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, ARoS Public, and the Alt_Cph20 Biennial. She has also curated outreach programs for the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and the Nivaagaard Painting Collection