September 4, 2012

Brooklyn Commons: Fred Wilson and benandsebastian

Brooklyn Commons, a new discussion series beginning this fall at ISCP, presents intellectual and artistic pairings between the established Brooklyn-based artist community and ISCP residents. This series puts artists in conversation who have not shared a dialogue in the past and focuses on the vibrant and diverse cultural practitioners living and working in Brooklyn, both long-term and short-term.

Fred Wilson and Danish collaborative benandsebastian will discuss the politics of display and the re-imagining of the historical narratives of objects. Wilson’s work has explored themes of display and how objects in museum collections carry or reveal political and institutional power structures. benandsebastian’s ongoing project, Phantom Limbs, explores how systems of display are involved in embedding meaning in spaces and artifacts during conditions of absence. The duo’s work employs architecture as a way of thinking,  which is explored through mythical stories, utopian models, economic systems, and power relations.

Fred Wilson (born in 1954 in Bronx, NY) lives and works in New York. Wilson has received numerous awards including, a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Achievement Award (1999), as well as represented the United States at La Biennale di Venezia (2003) and the Cairo Biennial (1992). Wilson’s work has been exhibited internationally including a retrospective of his work Fred Wilson: Objects and Installations, 1979-2000 (2001-2004). In 2011 Ridinghouse, London published Fred Wilson: A Critical Reader bringing together a significant amount of texts about the artist’s work and exhibitions.

Ben Clement (born 1981 in Oxford, United Kingdom) and Sebastian de la Cour (born 1980 in Copenhagen, Denmark) live and work in Berlin. benandsebastian are graduates of  University College London, Cambridge University and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Recent solo exhibitions include: Phantom Limbs, Trapholt Museum, Kolding, Denmark (2012) and Unbuilt Extremities, Friedelstrasse 27, Berlin (2011).

Brooklyn Commons is organized by Kari Conte, ISCP Director of Programs and Exhibitions.

Participating Residents

August 21, 2012

Salon: Rebecca Baumann and benandsebastian

Rebecca Baumann will discuss recent kinetic and performance works. Central to her practice is an ongoing fascination with the complex workings of human emotion and the pursuit of happiness through celebration and ritual. Methodically planned and choreographed, Baumann’s works are a formal and conceptual excursion into the nature of color and materials. Involving an element of activation, the visibility of color is in constant flux, referencing the innate change of our emotional selves and the greater world.
benandsebastian are interested in how meaning becomes embedded in spaces and artefacts in conditions of absence. benandsebastian will speak about the process of re-examining their body of work through their ‘Phantom Limbs’ book project. This project has involved the duo exploring non-linear narratives and working with their studio space at ISCP as the inside of the book.

August 14, 2012

Salon: Leslie Shows and Allison Smith

Leslie Shows will discuss the influences, ideas and processes that led to her newest work, completed at ISCP, which includes spectral, reflective images of pyrite rocks reconstructed in engraved aluminum, sand, ink, crushed glass and plexiglass; a floor sculpture cast in sulfur; and a video incorporating Kafka’s short story The Cares of a Family Man. Shows intensifies these pyrite objects through various types of visual deconstruction and re-synthesis, establishing multiple lenses (existential, economic, sensorial, associative) for experiencing objects and other phenomena. Using mixed media but concerned with the materiality of painting, Shows’ work plays the textural, sensorial properties of materials like aluminum, sulfur, or reflected light against their illusionistic, signifying and representational capacities.

Allison Smith will discuss recent works that engage with early American material culture, opening it up, in the words of Judith Butler, for “a different sort of repeating.” Afterwards, she will open her studio to present works done while in residence at ISCP, including hundreds of collages in which images of quotidian objects are meticulously cut out of context and serially collaged onto sheets of handmade paper. These works offer a playful confusion between image and object, proposing pictures of material culture as both physical material and subject of study. Smith’s work takes on an artifact quality through its association with events and engagement with the public, whether through activities of collective making, activation in social space or material transformation from one context to the next.

Participating Residents