Past Residents

Residents Map

Past Resident
2010: GyeongGi Cultural Foundation

Sungyeon Park

Sungyeon Park graduated from Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts, London, UK with a MA in Fine Art in 2007 and a MFA at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea in 2001. Park’s subjects come from small voices within ordinary lives and are concerned with social issues related to visual language and individual experience. Park has received several grants including an Emerging Artist Fellowship in 2006. She had a solo show in 2009 titled still lives; small voices by Arts Council Korea and GyeongGi Cultural Foundation. Park participated in the Art Omi International Artist Residency in New York.

Past Resident
2010: Ministry of Culture, Taiwan

Aihua Hsia

Aihua Hsia’s work challenges the notions of boundaries and containment within the human psyche. She explores the collective unconscious by revealing the presence of a shared human essence. Through the employment of the ancient Buddhist sculpture technique, “Datsukanshitu,” Hsia incorporates her Chinese roots, the natural world, and the traditional past into her work. Hsia’s work has been nationally and internationally exhibited at Gifu Municipal Culture Center, Japan; Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan; and 2 x 13 Gallery, New York. Aihua Hsia was born in Taipei Taiwan in 1973, and received a BFA in Sculpture at National Taiwan University of Arts and an MFA in Sculpture at Okinawa Prefecture University of Arts.

Past Resident
2010: IKEA Foundation Switzerland

Alexandra Navratil

Alexandra Navratil´s work examines historical and political concepts of perception and their correlations with systems of representations in cinema, architecture and politics. Her works in various media such as photography, collage and video, are deliberate constructions, which attempt to undermine the authority of the image by questioning the means and mechanisms of its production and the codes of its representation. These underlying structures are made visible within the works. Alexandra Navratil (Zürich, Switzerland, 1978) graduated with an MFA from Goldsmiths College in London in 2007. In 2009 she won the Swiss Art Award and the Prix Mobiliere Young Art and has been artist-in-residence at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin (IMMA). She has recently exhibited her work at Formcontent, London; Lothringer13/Laden, Munich; MUSAC, León and Galeria Angels, Barcelona among others.