Past Residents
Past Resident2022: Italian Cultural Institute of New York2020: The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia University
Ruth Beraha
Ruth Beraha’s research investigates elements that can commonly be labeled as evil, stranger, or unknown, focusing on the disruption of the certainties we base our experience of the world on. With immersive audios, sculptures, installations, drawings and photographs, her work makes the viewer consider the adversary no longer as a distant and incomprehensible entity, but as a constitutive part of our identity.
Ruth Beraha has exhibited at Pirelli Hangar, Milan; Arte in Memoria Biennial of Contemporary Art, Ostia Antica, Rome; and MAMbo, Bologna, among others.
Residents from Italy
Raffaela Naldi Rossano

The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia University, Italian Cultural Institute of New York, Directorate-General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture
Anna Estarriola
Anna Estarriola is interested in the exchanges and interactions between visual and media arts with other disciplines, including performing arts and technology. The themes of her work revolve around perception of reality, individual and communal behavior, and communication. She uses cross-disciplinary narrative structures that explore and question the union of content, medium and context. Over the last years, she has created media installation works combining sculptures and moving image with dramaturgy, mechanics and electronics.
Anna Estarriola has exhibited work at Galerie Anhava, Helsinki; Pori Art Museum, Finland; and Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, among others.
Events & Exhibitions
2021 Spring Open Studios
April 27–April 28, 2021
Past Resident2021: Mondriaan Fund
Maja Bekan
Maja Bekan’s work explores and questions mediation and delegation of artwork production. She is interested in a collaborative and social approach to explore personal histories, truths, economies and social relations. Bekan works on long-term research-based projects that involve different levels of collaboration, presented to the public in the form of performances, site-specific environments, and video/audio/text-based installations.
Maja Bekan has exhibited work at Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Kunsthaus, Graz; and Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, among others.