Past Residents

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Past Resident
2021: International Visegrad Fund

Katarzyna Przezwańska

In her artistic practice, Katarzyna Przezwańska combines nature and architecture in an effort to “improve the quality of human life and to make art useful”. The artist is inspired by both vernacular architecture and the 20th century classics as well as geological phenomena and vegetative processes. Przezwańska creates architectural interventions, installations, and sculptures, where she often uses natural materials such as rocks, minerals, and plants.

Katarzyna Przezwańska has exhibited work at Galeria Dawid Radziszewski, Poland; Museum of Modern Art, Poland; and Abteiberg Museum, Germany, among others.

Past Resident
2021: International Visegrad Fund

Jaroslav Kyša

Jaroslav Kyša reflects on contemporary society and confronts viewers with constantly changing presence and the insecure future through use of laws of physics and nature. The artist disrupts functioning of gravity and perception of time by bringing attention to “short circuits” of reality and its understanding, and encourages questioning of general certitudes.

Jaroslav Kyša has exhibited work at Wumin Art Center, South Korea; Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, Miami; and Trafó Galéria, Budapest, among others.

Past Resident
2021: International Visegrad Fund

Rita Süveges

Rita Süveges elaborates an ecocritical approach to expand a deeper understanding of the contemporary representation of nature and thus landscape in the framework of the Capitalocene. In her practice, she focuses on community building and knowledge sharing. As a member of the artist group xtro realm, the artist organizes a multitude of programs (reading circles, exhibitions, field trips) dealing with ecological theories that critique the anthropocentricism of contemporary thinking. She lives and works in Budapest.

Rita Süveges has exhibited work at Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany; Collegium Hungaricum Berlin; and OFF-Biennale Budapest, among others.